Stand Out From The Crowd By Being A Team Player
3 Simple Ways to Get and Stay Motivated
One of the most important keys to being successful in any role especially that of customer service is consistency.

Consistency is defined as “a steadfast adherence to the same principles, course, or form.” This means that when you are consistent you do those things that lead you to the right result day in and day out without fail.

Why is this important to you as a customer service representative you ask? Well the answer to that is quite simple and that is being consistent leads to success.

Let’s discuss a customer service representative by the name of Jason for a moment.

Jason works for one of the nation’s largest cell phone companies and answers phone calls every day about billing, technical issues, and general questions about service and pricing.
Jason knows that there are 4 basic things that he must do on each of his calls to be successful he has them written down and pasted on his cubicle. Here is Jason’s list of 4 things:

1 – Say my greeting
“Thank you for calling….my name is Jason, how can I help you today?”
2 – Give customer an ownership statement
“I can help you with your __________ issue today!”

3 – Keep Customer Educated
“Mr. Customer here is what I am doing to resolve your issue……”

4 – Confirm Resolution
“Mrs. Customer have I resolved all of your issues today?”

Jason knows that if he wants to reach his performance goals than these are the 4 key things that he needs to do on each and every call. He knows that it’s not just enough to do one or two of the items, or do all of the items on just a few of his calls, he MUST be consistent.

Chances are you’re just like Jason. You know that there are several things you need to do or say to each and every customer to ensure that you meet all of your performance objectives. But it’s up to you whether or not you will do these things none of the time, some of the time, or all of the time. Remember the more consistent you are, the more successful you will be.
When you are consistent you do those things that lead you to the right result day in and day out...
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Your Words Have Power So Be Sure To Use the Right Ones
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Consistency: Your Key To Growth And Success
Published: May 30, 2023
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